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Corgi Analytics

Your Ultimate Partner in Revenue Boosting


Corgi Analytics

What I did

I am the program manager and lead designer at Corgi Analytics, a SaaS product that offers standalone plug-and-play solutions.

Product Design
Rapid Prototyping
Heuristic UX Audit
User Research + Testing
Visual Design
Agile Methodologies
Stakeholder Engagement
X-functional Team Leadership

My Role

Program Manager & Design Lead


Q1 2024

What is Corgi Analytics?

Introducing Corgi Analytics

Corgi Labs is a standalone plug-and-play tool designed to help businesses enhance their revenue streams. By analyzing payment data, it provides comprehensive insights and generates automated reports, enabling businesses to understand their payment landscape deeply. Seamlessly integrating with existing payment systems, Corgi Labs ensures quick access to valuable information, optimizing revenue streams.

Some numbers for context in payment fraud



Merchants spent an average of 10% of their revenue managing payment fraud.

32% of merchants stated that keeping up to date with payment and card network rules is a major issue.


Merchants are placing a high priority on fraud management.

Source: 2023 Global eCommerce Payments and Fraud Report 13


Users face difficulties when signing up for the Corgi Labs web app. The current onboarding flow lacks information about the product and offers little to no insight into how Corgi Labs can benefit their business and help generate more revenue.

"Can you create a comprehensive dashboard that consolidates all the data and analytics?"

"Can you tailor the onboarding journey to accommodate different types of businesses and PSPs?"

Project Goal

Design and build a seamless onboarding flow that guides users to a comprehensive dashboard, featuring a variety of tools and metrics to provide all the data they need in one place.

What I learned

The current onboarding flow is simultaneously simplistic and convoluted.

I conducted over 10 interviews with colleagues to understand Corgi’s onboarding process and dashboard features. I found that the current sign-up process is overly simplistic, missing essential information. Paradoxically, its simplicity also complicates matters for users, leaving them to figure out many things on their own.

Current user journey

Current User Journey.png


Understanding User Needs

Our target audience consists of individuals in the B2B SaaS industry. We conducted qualitative interviews with small e-commerce business owners, as well as representatives from digital banking and online grocery businesses.

User needs.png

Formulating Initial Hypotheses

Here is a user flow I designed with multiple pathways to ensure users can successfully sign up and access their dashboard, no matter where they start.

User Flow.png

Conducting usability testing

"How would you describe your overall experience with the product?"

Lo-fi and mid-fi wireframes were created during this process. We started with sketches and then made prototypes to test with users.

User testing.png

We participated in x-functional calls to conduct guided usability testing with our new prototype, engaging users to gather valuable feedback. This process helped us identify pain points, improve usability, and ensure the design effectively meets user needs.

Lo-fi Wireframe

Lo Fi.png

Iterations after iterations

After gathering additional insights from usability tests, I compiled the information and incorporated the details into the wireframes. I collected notes and information to what users were struggling with and made changes to address those issues. Then, I created these low-fidelity sketches to show the updated design, aiming for a smoother and more user-friendly experience.

Key Features

In the new iterations, I added a few more screens to gather more information about users' companies and roles. These screens will also help collect data on the types of users we attract outside of the e-commerce and online banking industries.

The dashboard now includes four screens that display customer conversion rates, fraud detection, prevention, and chargeback rates, all collected by Corgi Analytics' algorithm. Additionally, there is a 'Reports' page with autogenerated reports that we send out monthly to customers.

Final Design

Corgi Analytics

Next steps

Corgi Analytics V2

Now that I've designed a smooth onboarding flow and dashboard for Corgi Analytics V2, I want to focus more on the 12-hour period when users wait for our algorithm to pull data from their business. I'm envisioning providing users with a few simple screens that offer immediate feedback on initial findings and suggestions on how we can help improve their numbers.


I was brought onto this project by my founder, making it the biggest project I worked on at Corgi. I enjoyed the experience and learned a lot by collaborating with x-functional teams, gaining insights from data scientists, business development, and sales teams.

There were many challenges, such as understanding our algorithm, CORGI, which stands for 'Clustering Optimized Rule Generation Intelligence.' This was a mission in itself, with endless nights spent on calls with our data scientist trying to determine the best numbers to display on our dashboard and how to make them easy for users to read and analyze for their business.

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